ICRPサテライトイベントセッション ICRP Satellite Event Session

Venue: Room 6, Comprehensive Education and Research Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Hokkaido University

Date and time: Sunday, November 12, 2023 13:20-14:50

Participation fee is free if you only participate in this session.

If you would like to participate, Please contact taikai2023@sra-japan.jp

Session title: The co-expertise process

The aim of this session is to give an overview of the current reflection advancement on the co-expertise process, which is recommended by ICRP in its recent Publication 146 on the ‘Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident’ builing on the expereince of the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents.

After a presentation of the emergence of the co-expertise process in Belarus in the context of the ETHOS and CORE projects related to the rehabilitation of the living condtions in the contaminated territories by the Chernobyl accident, the session will introduce the co-expertise
process experience of the Suetsugui community after the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant accident.

The session will finish with a presentation of the scientific, methodological and ethical challenges related to the implementation of the co-expertise process.

1. Introduction by the chair R. Ando
2. Presentation 1: /The emergence of the co-expertise process/ Jacques
3. Presentation 2: /The Suetsugi experience/ Ryoko Ando
4. Presentation 3: /The challenges of the co-expertise process/ Thierry
5 General discussion
